Monday, August 17, 2009

Inactive August

No, it's not the asset markets that are inactive... but me. Judging from the blogs, one can see that entries have been infrequent.

Besides a lack of genuinely interesting material, August has also been disruptive for me as our company entered into wind down stage. So there were lots of packing and unpacking at the office.

But not to worry; this is simply an end of one chapter (of my life) and a beginning of a new one. I intend to re-surface quickly in the market, although the exact nature (of the job) remains uncertain.

In fact, the frequency of future blogs also remains uncertain - as much as I enjoy imparting my views via the blogs, the amount of resources (time) that i can spare may now be more limited. Still, I am committed to maintaining this blog. OK, enough about me...

As for the asset markets, it is still a great mystery to me how new home-dwellers seemed willing to cough up SGD1000psf and beyond for mass market type condos. Even the "low end" mass market prices of SGD750-800psf must surely bust every affordability ratios?

Well, I have resigned to the fact that I am an old bear, compared to the modern crop of risk takers. So, I've gladly moved aside and withdraw into my cave and watch this new batch of risk takers bash each other up. Hopefully, I would be around to pick up the nice pieces after this bloody fight.

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