Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Fresh Beginning

After a one year hiatus, I'm back...not with vigor but with apprehension. Cautious, not knowing if I can maintain this blog faithfully. Nonetheless, I shall try again. The first blogging lasted about 5 months before I got overwhelmed with work and fatigue. Not being a natural born writer, daily blogging was tough.

Still, with the encouragement of 1 reader (you see, it is so easy to please me), I commit to do better this time around. And what can you expect from the blog? The header says it all : Stocks, Credits and Me.

In the meantime, the archive has been cleared out as I did not want to be reminded of my failed attempt last year. Otherwise, happy reading and I hope everyone learns something along the way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hihi... Thank you for making a comeback! :P

So, what is it going forward?

Also, do you think HSI has taken over DJ as the leading indicator?

Curiously Me! :D